Early Motorcycle Cylinder Casting Video

A long time ago, in a factory far, far away…

Way back when The Rover Motorcycle Company was, allegedly, the only motorcycle maker casting cylinders. How way back? Like, the 1970s when my dad started riding, you ask? A little earlier than that.

rover cylinder casting
This could just as easily be Sauron making his ring.

I’m pretty sure this film on the subject hit theaters a little while before eight track tapes.
By which I mean, several decades.

Although The Rover Company was a British bicycle and motorcycle manufacturer, I felt this YouTube find was cool enough to justify posting it here at American Motorcycle. A lot of what American riders like (making stuff, especially motorcycle stuff) gets down to metalworking and this bit of history was pretty cool.
Rover was established in 1878 by John Kemp Starley in Coventry to produce bicycles. The company developed and produced the Rover Imperial motorcycle in November 1902. Between 1903 and 1924, Rover produced more than 10,000 motorcycles.